Sunday, September 19, 2010

Clearwater 2010

We just returned from a weekend away. It was lovely. We visit Clearwater about every summer. Next time we go, it won't be just the two us anymore :)

Picture taken 29 weeks and 3 days.

Catch up on Weekly Photo

Call me the biggest slacker...
26 weeks 6 days

27 weeks 6 days

28 weeks 6 days

Not much new here. I feel great.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Doula Interview

We meet with doula "H" tonight. She and I really clicked. Clinton hasn't shared his opinion yet. If you know him, the idea of laboring at home for as long as possible is not comforting to him. He is very afraid that we will meet Luke in the car versus the hospital. I'm not that concerned about it. I really doubt that will happen.

This doula has worked quite a bit with my OB practice. She is VERY relaxed. This is what I need. A hyper/loud doula will not help me to relax and focus while in labor.

28 week picture to come as soon I download them...

Glucose Tolerance Test

First, I was DREADING this. I honestly thought I was going to fail. I PASSED!! Yes, I passed.

Scheduling this to start at 1pm was.horrible. Don't do it, ever. Even, if they insist. Tell them NO!!! Not eating after 9am was not pleasant.