Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Things the hubs has said

Warning, you may not want to repeat these to other pregnant women..

-Your hips are getting wide. (He tells WAY to many people this)
-Your butt is getting big
-He thinks I suffer from PDS (Pregnancy dumbness syndrome) He makes reference to this anytime I forget or do not understand something.
-Your slow, why can't you work in the yard all day like you did last spring?

He has been very helpful. When I was feeling bad, he did everything around the house. He melts my heart when he talks about things he plans to do with baby. Currently, he is building a closet organization system for the nursery closet.

1 comment:

  1. lol, but you can tell him that "pregnancy brain" or his PDS is a real thing in the fact that when you are pregnant there is less blood flow getting to your brain :-)
