Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bed Rest.. AGAIN!


Yesterday I felt "off". Achey neck with black spots in my vision. Had my BP taken at work and sure enough it was elevated. Called the OB and didn't hear back for SIX hours. I wasn't overly worried, just irritated that they told me to call if it was over a certain level, but they didn't bother to return the call in a timely manner.

Had my regular appointment and NST scheduled for today. BP was up again this morning, but I knew I would be seeing them soon. Luke danced all around while on the NST today (good boy). The OB, C and I were going over our questions when the OB says, wait your still working? (This is the one that sent me to L&D last time) He was NOT having that. He did warn that he will not think twice about intervening with this pregnancy/birth if the BP continues to increase. I agreed as long a it didn't mean automatic c-section.

So baaaack on light duty (what he called it). He said I can not work, but I can do light things.

I cried, like a baby. I really lost it in the car. I know this is best for Luke and myself, but this is not how I pictured the last 4-5 weeks of my pregnancy going.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry. We'll be praying for you, and if it means a healthy mommy and baby then it really is worth it. Call me if you need to talk.
