Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Great news!!

Had my follow up appointment this morning. No MORE BEDREST!!! The plan now is work Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning. I have an appointment Friday afternoon and we will go from there regarding the bed rest.

My blood pressure was down to what is normal for me (100/70). There is a chance that I could be put back on bedrest if my BP spikes again. Clinton and I made a little plan to hopefully allow me to work. Again, the longer I work, then longer I get to stay home with Luke.

Luke was very stubborn during the NST today. He would not wake up or move. So we ended up with another ultrasound. The boy is going to have some hair and what appears to be fat little cheeks. My heart melted when Clinton was talking to him on the elevator ride back down stairs. It went something like this...

C: Your mom and I need you to cooperate for a few more weeks in there. I am
getting more and more excited to meet you.
L: (Clinton using his baby voice to have Luke talk back) Dad I'm moving now, what
else do you want me to do?
C: I know your capable of moving up a storm, but we need you to move when we are
at the doctors appointments. You stress me out when the doctors get that look
of concern on their faces.

Ok, maybe it doesn't sound as cute now. Guess you just had to of been there.

Other exciting news... We have made arrangements to have maternity pictures taken on November 6th. Last night a photographer (that we know) called Clinton to see if I would be willing to let her try some new ideas on me. Of course! Looks like we will get to have two maternity sessions. Hoping to get some great pictures out of both of them.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear the blood pressure went down and you are off bedrest. We'll keep praying for you and little Luke!
