Friday, October 22, 2010

OB appointment turned into L&D Visit

I had my 34 week appointment along with biophysical profile scheduled for 1:30. Around 10am I started seeing little black floaters. I was at work, so I had someone take my blood pressure. 124/104. Eek, I knew the bottom number needed to be lower. (I usually run 100/70) One of my coworkers FLIPPED OUT. I called the OB in front of her, per her request. They said lay down and retake it in 15. It was then 134/90. It went down enough for them to say keep the 1:30 appointment.

Now at this point, I'm convinced it was a fluke. I was not worried about it. I had myself and Clinton halfway convinced that when they took it at my 1:30 appointment it would be down to my normal range. I had the biophysical profile from 1:30-2:00. My blood pressure was taken at 2:04, after laying down for 30 minutes and gosh darn it, it was still high.

OB comes into the room asks if I am having any issues. He measured me and then listened to Lukes heart beat. All was well there. He then says to me... Your going down to labor and delivery for a pre-eclampsia workup. I said your just joking right? He looked at me like I was CRAZY! (My boss knows him well and joked at our meeting one hour prior to my appointment that she would call him and tell him to admit me. She is convinced I need bed rest.) I told him I thought he was joking because of their/our relationship. Yeah, he wasn't joking. I started crying. More of a shock/denial this can't be a possibility.

Went and checked into L&D. That is SO not where I want to be for at least 4 weeks. They are nice, but I'm not ready to meet Luke. We spent two hours there being monitored while they waited on my labs to come back. Did I mention it is boring there? SO.BORING. There is nothing on afternoon television.

Labs are BACK!!! Nurse walked into the room with some papers and I was ecstatic. I knew I was going home. My labs looked great, but I did have some protein in my urine. We were sent home with the supplies to collect and save 24 hours or urine. Hip hip hooray, not.

We are to turn in the urine by 5pm Saturday then have repeat monitoring and lab work. I have faith that the labs will still be great.

Will update once we know anything else.

1 comment:

  1. We'll be praying that Luke stays put and pre-e stays far away!! please let me know if you need anythin!
